Data Science

5 Reasons to Learn Data Science & Analytics

min read
Vera Chan
Data Science & Analytics

During the Coronavirus Pandemic, companies are learning to survive. A need for an online presence is paramount in staying ahead. Whether you are selling products or services, get your brand awareness out. How does data science fit into this?


Back in the day, career counsellors only knew about limited types of jobs. Studied mathematics? Become a professor. Nowadays, there are a great many jobs that you may not know about and that are becoming more relied on. Data science jobs are one of them. So what exactly is data analytics and how can you make use of it to set yourself apart from others.


Below we cover why data science is worth investing in and careers you can look forward to.


What is Data Science?

Data science is a multidisciplinary approach to data. It involves data preparation for analysis and processing. Results are then presented based on the data. Sometimes the data can reveal patterns that help leaders make informed decisions. Preparation involves cleaning-up, aggregating, and manipulating data for certain types of processing. Analysis involves the use of algorithms, analytics, and AI models.


Both preparation and analysis contribute to predictions based on scientifically-designed tests. The accuracy of predictions is important in making final decisions by business leaders.


What Do Data Scientists Do

Data scientists break down large volumes of data that companies and businesses collect. This requires mathematical knowledge in statistics, problem-solving skills, evaluation techniques, and predictive analysis. They make insights on patterns they find and can help spot gaps in the market. They can tell you which product is most popular and which service is most needed. Calculations are an important part of deciphering data. This helps decision-makers make an outcome and a plan for the next step.


Why Invest in Learning Data Science

1. Analytics is Prevalent

Analytics is both valuable and a necessity. All companies and businesses have analytics. Many organisations are looking to improve their processes and increase profits. Now is an opportune time to become one of the talented candidates that are sought-after.


2. Big Data is High in Demand

There is a skills shortage as companies are on the rise to higher data scientists. Fresh graduates with analytic skills can put themselves front and centre for jobs. The value of this role will increase as more sectors move into the realm of numbers and work with big data.


3. Analytics is More & More Important

Data analytics may not yet be a high school subject yet, but it is fast becoming valuable. It is on track to become like coding, when its popularity rose and made a comeback in 2015. Now is a time where better job opportunities open up and career progressions ascend.


4. Problem-Solving Skills is Leading the Way

Analysing data requires problem-solving skills at the root. It is effective for work but also in everyday life. Analytical-thinking is a prized skill that is important for tackling complex problems.


5. Pick Up Other Skills

A data scientist may be good at numbers, but this type of role also opens up doors to acquiring new skills. This includes communication skills to help others envision the problem at hand. A data scientist needs to be able to convey a pattern they spotted or a concept that has stemmed from results. Leadership skills is also an added plus because data often affects higher ranks. These are the decision-makers who weigh their opinions on actionable insights.


Where does one start learning data science? Take a look at these data analysis courses.


Common career outcome

Data scientists are not popular only in the technology industry and start-ups. Big data is also becoming popular in fields including retail, finance, and hospitality.


The retail sector looks for data scientists to sift through customer data. Not personal identifying data, but numbers that showcase consumer shopping habits and behaviour. Data is also used to improve customer loyalty and to curate individual offerings.


The insurance industry is also an area to look into. It is often well-paying and requires expert advice to look into their vast amounts of data.


Hospitality has a use for data scientists to help them maximise occupancy. They collect large amounts of guest data and generally invest in cutting-edge technology.


Learn how to apply your mathematical knowledge to trends you spot, and you can land a job. There are many applications for data scientists. Creative problem-solving skills and tech-savviness in analytic tools means you have strong foundations.


Not sure where to start applying your data science knowledge? Start-ups are a great place to start. They are more willing to teach and are more likely to hire talent that can learn and adapt in the field. The pay may not match-up to established companies. But you can gather and hone your skills in a fast-growing environment with a lot of available data.

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